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Loch Long planning appeal closing statement submitted

Loch Long planning appeal closing statement submitted

Long Live Loch Linnhe members submit a comprehensive and compelling closing statement to the Planning Appeal reporter

October 30, 2023

The hearings at the Planning Appeal for the Beinn Reithe, Loch Long fish farm are now complete. This farm, proposed by the same developers as the proposed salmon mega-farm on Loch Linnhe, was rejected by the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park in 2022, but then appealed and "called-in" for decision by Scottish Ministers. The Loch Long farm is smaller, but uses the same technology as proposed for Loch Linnhe.

Given the relevance to the Loch Linnhe proposal, representations to the Appeal were made by Long Live Loch Linnhe members, and now the final "Closing Statement" has been submitted to the Appeal Reporter by Paul Nicoll and Robin Stopford. The statement strongly argues against the proposal going ahead, on the grounds that the technology is clearly experimental, looks likely to dump between 4 and 6 times more waste into the environment than claimed and has question marks over its long term safety. All these arguments apply equally to the Loch Linnhe scheme.

The Statement will be considered by the Reporter, along with those from other parties to the Appeal, in forming his recommendation to Ministers. In the meantime, you can read the full Closing Statement at the link below.

Read the full Closing Statement here (PDF)
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