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Supportive article in the Mail OnlineLong Live Loch Linnhe features in a supportive article in the Mail Online
Long Live Loch Linnhe features in a supportive article in the Mail Online

Supportive article in the Mail Online

Long Live Loch Linnhe members feature in a supportive article in the Mail Online

December 21, 2023

Long Live Loch Linnhe's presence in the local and national media continues to grow, and the year has been rounded off with a long and generally supportive article published on the Daily Mail's Mail Online website.

Under the headline "Full scale war! Scottish locals battle plans to transform picturesque Loch Linnhe into vast salmon mega-farm" the article features contributions from local supporters Jane Hartnell-Beavis, James Standley, David Gunn and Charlotte Parkin explaining their concerns about the impact the proposed salmon mega-farm will have on the loch.

Read the article below (there's also an archive copy here).

Read article on Daily Mail website
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